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Welcome to Tharston Past

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Welcome to local and family history data resources and information, based loosely on the area in and around the village of Tharston in South Norfolk, all of which is original work or newly transcribed information. However, solely considering Tharston would be very insular; by also considering the villages close by the overall picture becomes clearer as there are so many links between the families living in the area. Also included are pages hosted for the Australian Connection, the Diss Family History Society and the Thrandeston History Group, and sections purely for the interest of the author.

Tharston History Society

This site is not the official one for the Tharston History Society but some information can be found here.

On Wednesday, July 24th 2024, a talk has been arranged which will be the joint one with the Forncett History Group. It will be held in Wacton Village Hall. The topic for the meeting will be a talk by Pip Wright on the history that can be found from newspapers, with hopefully an emphasis on South Norfolk/North Suffolk. There will be tea and biscuits at 7.15p.m. with a 7.30p.m. start for the talk. The cost of the event will be £3 for THS and FHG members and £4 for guests. Places are limited and for guests it is necessary to book places by emailing (I have heard this talk by Pip and it is most informative and entertaining.)

Local talks and meetings

A list of local groups meetings with dates and subjects can be found here.

Village Information


Tas Valley Villages

Other villages .....

Data (events and records)

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Other hosted sites/webpages

Diss Family History Group

Hosted site for the DFHG.

Australia Collaboration

Phil J Buzzard

Thrandeston History Group

Hosted webpages for the THG.

Other projects & information



Datafile Information

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Page last updated: 20 Jul 2024
© Nigel Peacock 2023

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