At least 1 field must have an entry for the search to work.
Inappropriate entries may result in incorrect or no data being returned.
One useful strategy for finding what you require is to enter some appropriate criteria, view what appears, and, if too many or unwanted results are shown, select 'Change search values', alter the criteria to narrow the results and rerun the query.
Records found are ordered by fullname.
Field notes:
Surname and forename - any string of 2 to 12 letters or spaces that are in any place within the surname field, useful if used when unsure of spellings of names - not case specific (see below for wildcards).
Parishes - check one or more of the villages to select or leave all unchecked for all parishes.
Events (datasets) - check one or more of the event types to select or leave all unchecked for all event types.
Event year from and to - must be four figure numbers, usually between 1600 and 1950 as these are the extremes of dates of events in the data - enter a date in the 'from' but not the 'to' to choose a single year.
Wildcards - these are symbols that denote an unknown part of a string; % indicates 0, 1 or more characters and _ (underscore) a single character in a search. For example, using 'sm_th' will find smith and smyth. Also, remember that the chosen pattern of letters and wildcards can be anywhere in the field, eg: in surname, ST%L (or lower case) will find STarLing, conSTabLe, STeeLe, paSTaL, etc. Wildcards cannot be used in number or date fields.